May 2014
Sunday 8th June. Start time 2pm.
From The Boston Hall, Ettrick, TD7 5JA
To Potburn and Back… (approx. 6 miles each way)
Suitable for all ages. Entry £2 per cycle. Pre School free.
Helmets must be worn. All children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult
Teas will be served in the Boston Hall In Aid Of The Katie McKerracher Trust. All Welcome
Organisers – Friends of Ettrick School
For more information Tel: 01750-62262
All Riders Take Part At Their Own Risk
May 2014
We are delighted to announce three bits of good fundraising news ahead of our Join Us In June campaign.
Last week we received confirmation that 16th Annual Social Work Quiz in Perth raised £750 for Katie’s Trust (plus £750 for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research). Thanks to Dave McPhee for organising the quiz, the teams who competed on the night and Charlie for thinking of Katie’s Trust.
Tonight we heard that the Knowepark Primary sponsored walk had also raised £1500, half of which is being donated to Katie’s Trust. Thanks to all of the teachers and parents who organised the trek, and to all of the children who put their best foot forward!
Also tonight we learned that young Hannah raised £20 selling her homemade bookmarks and pictures – thanks very much! Hannah is also organising a garden party for her pals as part of Join us In June, and has her mum running about making the necessary arrangements!!
Thanks to everyone who continues to support the Trust and the great work it is doing to support children with a DIPG.
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Apr 2014
Just been able to send a boy with Diffuse Pontine Glioma on holiday to see his extended family. This sort of response is only possible as a result of the funds you have helped us raise. Are you able to help us raise some more through our Join Us In June initiative? We are hoping lots of you will be able to host your own event – friends over for coffee, a lunch, a dinner party, BBQ, etc – and collect some donations at the end. We will provide you with an event pack to help accessorise your event and explain what Katie’s Trust does. Look forward to hearing from you …..
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Apr 2014
Starting to get enquiries from people about Join Us In June events and what to do next. If you are thinking about holding an event then all you need to do is to message us on Facebook or drop us an email (info@katiemckerrachertrust.co.uk) or phone us on 01750 52387 – telling us your name, address, telephone number and number of guests at your event (so we can make up your event pack). Look forward to hearing from you soon.
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Nov 2013
We have had a number of requests for support recently and it prompted us to update the history on the website. You can find up-to-date details on help provided to children with a DIPG and local dancers furthering their studies at this page.
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