Apr 2012
Patricia & Phil Hitchcock have kindly arranged for the The Coal Porters to play Midlem Village Hall on Friday 18th May. Sid Griffin and his fantastic bluegrass group (http://www.myspace.com/thecoalporters) will again take to the Midlem stage to entertain us in a good cause. We are all looking forward to the evening – if you would like a ticket then let us know asap!
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Mar 2012
Ann and I have just returned from the end of term assembly at Selkirk High School. We were presented with a £2,000 cheque by the sixth year charity committee. They have been busy all year with events like wear-what-you-want days and Christmas bazaar, culminating in a 10-mile sponsored walk. We would like to say a big ‘thankyou’ to Fergus, the sixth years and everyone who supported them.
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Feb 2012
We met a wee boy today with a #DIPG who isn’t able to get out and about. We have been in contact with his mum & dad for a while, and have just hired a ‘birthing pool’ to allow him some relaxation and fun whenever he is able. We are pleased we have been able to help the family in a small way. Thanks to everyone who has contributed – this is truly Katie’s Trust in action.
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Dec 2011
It’s been a weekend of good news on the funding front. First of all we managed to get final total of £2,694 for Tap Heavy, which will rise to nearly £6,000 with Santander matched funds and Gift Aid! A fantastic effort by all the dancers – our thanks again. And then we opened the mail last night to discover that HMRC had finally paid out on all the Gift Aid accrued since 2010 – cheques worth £4,850!
Really good news on the heels of our successful AGM this week, and helps keep the Trust in a strong financial position.
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